Professor Kristi S. Anseth
AFFILIATION University of Colorado Boulder, United States SUMMARY OF WINNING ENTRY For Advancement in Design of Polymeric Biomaterials and Methods for Biomedical Applications Professor Kristi Anseth is a pioneer, who has developed biomaterial cell culture systems, to decipher extracellular matrix (ECM) signals that regulate tissue development, maintenance and regeneration. She designed synthetic ECM that captures […]
Professor Susan Solomon

AFFILIATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA SUMMARY OF WINNING ENTRY The discovery of the ozone depletion mechanism in Antarctica, contributing to the establishment of the Montreal Protocol Professor Susan Solomon is a pioneering scientist in the field of atmospheric chemistry with groundbreaking contributions that have expanded humanity’s understanding of the ozone layer depletion phenomenon and […]
Professor Pamela Christine Ronald
BIOGRAPHY Affiliation at the time of the award: Department of Plant Pathology and the Genome Center, University of Califonia, Davis, University of Califonia, Berkeley, the Joint BioEnergy Institute, Emeryville CA, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, Lawrence Berkley National Lab Pamela Christine Ronald is a United States researcher recognized for studies in infectious disease biology […]
Professor Zhenan Bao
BIOGRAPHY Affiliation at the time of the award: Stanford University, Chemical Engineering, Shriram Center Professor Bao received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from The University of Chicago in 1995, and subsequently joined the Materials Research Department of Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies where she became a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in 2001. Professor Bao then […]